unstructured data has been a hot mess

Lack of multimodal data catalog caused >60% of AI/ML eng time wrangling with S3.

No easy way to extract insights from multimodal data makes 80% of data unused.

Your data warehouses or lakehouses are not designed to solve multimodal data.

Announcing VolansDB (beta)

Tabular multimodal data as SQL tables

Multimodal semantic search index can be built within clicks

Gen AI data agents can be built within clicks



Don't mess around S3 paths anymore, query them in SQL.

Set up a data connector to S3 only takes a few seconds. All of your data stays in S3, but you get a SQL interface in both UI and API that allows querying multimodal data 100X easier.

Of course, decide who can get access to the table by applying RBAC.



AI agents for multimodal data.

Configure AI agents to analyze complex multimodal data. We know each kind of data is different, so each AI agent is extremely flexible - configure prompt, model, output schema, ensemble method and more.

Video mockup of feature AI Agent

Command agents at scale.

The AI data agents can be invoked on the multimodal data tables via SQL.

Have certain scalability requirements? Talk to Roe AI team for options!

Video mockup of feature Roe agents

Cost control in your hands.

Knowing ROI is crucial. VolansDB offers a usage based pricing, where the cost is transparently displayed in the AI agent page and the organization page.

Video mockup of feature Cost observability



Build semantic search index like a breeze.

Build semantic search indexes based on the multimodal data never becomes this easy.

Simply choose multimodal data columns you want to index and the configurations all in a clean interface.

Video mockup of feature build semantic search index

Semantic search or keyword match? no need to choose.

Natural language query like "golden gate photos this year" often fails because "this year" cannot be easily interpreted by a semantic search.

VolansDB hybrid search architecture allows you to do a SELECT * FROM photos WHERE photo LIKE 'golden gate' AND year = '2024';

Video mockup of feature metadata search



AI Chat Data

Customer Success

Fraud Detection

Social Listening

The data produced by AI chat assistants are complex to the modern data tools. They contain natural languages, images and agentic operations.

Roe AI supports chat history as a native data type, providing an easy way to help AI teams search, evaluate and analyze the chat data using LLMs and LVMs with simple SQL queries.

Understanding customer satisfaction from millions of customer calls takes a village.

With Roe, you can analyze the customer calls at scale, by pinpointing the most successful and failed calls, drilling into the hows and whys, analyzing topics and tones to excel the customer successes.





How does it work if my multi-media data is stored in AWS Blob Storage or Snowflake Internal Staging?

Roe will build a directory of blob references to your multi-media data, so that you do not need to move your data from your existing blob storage to Roe. This offers great convenience and data privacy,

Once Roe builds the directory, you can process and query your multimodal data in your blob storage, directly from Roe.


How scalable is VolansDB data platform?

Roe AI scales to thousands of multi-media files per second.

For closed source models like GPT-4o, Roe automatically batches the requests and load balance across multiple Azure OpenAI AZ.
Ray is on Roe, so for open sourced models hosted on Roe, you can elastically scale the compute.


Can teams with minimal ML background use VolansDB?

Yes! That's why we build Roe AI. We believe AI belongs to everyone.
Simplicity is in our gene and we want to remove any overhead from the core business data tasks.


How much does it cost?

Industry-standard, separate storage and compute usage based billing, prepaid capacity.

We'd love to discuss your budget and curate a personalized capacity plan based on your demand.